5 tips to be a good singer


5 tips to be a good singer

Why do you think you cannot sing? Not everybody is born to be like Beyoncé or Whitney Houston but everybody can sing… that’s how life works. Despite the fact that you cannot sing like them, you can be a good singer! Nowadays, more and more people compare themselves to the others, whereas it is a completely wrong way! I want to show you here, that you are able to be a great singer. All you need to do is to learn five the most important things which are the key to success. Here we go!

1. Find a professional vocal coach.

If you are at the beginning of your adventure with singing, the best solution is to find a person who knows his stuff and love to teach vocal art. What is more, you can find singing teachers who share their the best singing tips on the web, especially on YouTube. They often show how to exercise vocal cords as well.

2. Practice your singing regularly.

All right, but what does regularly mean? Once a month or once a week? The answer is: at least four times a week, but preferably everyday. Another question is: how long? I’d say that minimally twenty or thirty minutes up to one hour. 

3. Choose exercises to needs of your voice. Do it consciously.

You have to know that proper order of steps is absolutely essential at this point. At first, you should start with warming up your vocal cords. Then you can do some exercises depending to the needs. Afterwards, if you feel that you are ready, you can practice your favourite song. It is crucial to set an objective and select adequate exercises like strengthening your vocal cords or increase vocal range. Thanks to that, you know what you aspire to.

4. Be positive and do not compare yourself to the others.

Positive attitude is the key to success. Throw out of your head I HAVE TO BE A GREAT SINGER and instead of that tell yourself I WANT TO BE A GREAT SINGER. Do not blame yourself when something goes wrong for it is normal.

Everybody makes mistakes. Everybody has those days. ~ Miley Cyrus in the song Nobody’s Perfect

Do not have unrealistic expectations which you cannot meet. Just take small steps and enjoy it! It is not worth comparing yourself to the others because there will always be someone better than you. Rather than being envious and hung up about that you are not as good as that person, you should learn to follow his example, admire that person and work hard. Do you stuff to achieve your goal!

5. Choose your favorite musical genre.

Sing in a musical style which you like the most. Sing what you like, do it for pleasure and yourself! It is relevant to know you are not obligated to sing what you listen to. Remember that. 

Good luck!



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